The Brunei Energy Industry Integrity Pact (BEIIP) was established in 2017 to demonstrate the Industry’s strong commitment in upholding business integrity and fight against any form of corruption.
The founding Pact members consisting of ten major oil and gas operators in Brunei Darussalam pledge their commitment to conduct their operations and business activities in a manner that upholds the highest standards of integrity principles and ethical standards.
This is delivered through ten essential principles which the signatory companies shall incorporate into their ways of working to ensure appropriate internal controls are in place to assess, prevent, detect and monitor integrity and compliance risks in the course of their operations. By agreeing to this Pact, the Industry is conveying its zero-tolerance message that any company lacking integrity and transparency will not have the opportunity to do business with any of the oil and gas operators in Brunei. As of 2023, the BEIIP is made up of 108 members consisting of both international and local companies